澳门银河赌场_澳门银河网址_澳门银河网站_ DuMingming) Add your comment Please en
DuMingming) Add your comment Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. ,澳门银河网站 ," released by the State Council Information Office. China advocates the ultimate complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. China does not engage in any nuclear arms race with any other country and keeps its nuclear capabilities at the minimum level required for national security。
China pursues nuclear strategy of self-defense: white paper (Xinhua)11:47, July 24, July 24 -- China pursues a nuclear strategy of self-defense, a white paper said Wednesday. China is always committed to a nuclear policy of no first use of nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook ) (Web editor: ZhaoTong,。
2019 BEIJING,澳门银河赌场,澳门银河网址,澳门银河网站, 澳门银河赌场, said the white paper titled "China's National Defense in the New Era,澳门银河赌场,澳门银河网址,澳门银河网站, 澳门银河赌场, the goal of which is to maintain national strategic security by deterring other countries from using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against China, according to the white paper. (For the latest China news, and not using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones unconditionally。
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